viernes, 2 de julio de 2010

The experience with the blog was my first experience with something so thechnolical XD. It´s strange because is necessary that we establish virtual relation with the classmate, but I like it in one part, because is important for the English class that we practice to writing and besides is interesting to know the opinion of the classmate in different topic, I were very surprised with his appreciation sometimes. But I don´t like the routine and the blog has transformed in one routine so it´s a little tedious. Well I suppose that in the last part of the semester everything is a little tedious, or not? I´m so tired really.
I hope that my English can be better with this exercise, but I see this idea a little improbable really… but I don´t know, because there are many things to involve the English class I believe that the intention isn´t enough, because also is important the time and obviously the English education that we had in the school, is very difficult to learn English if you didn´t had a good base in the school, or in your house… I don´t know, sometimes I feel that this is very unfair…. I don´t like the English really, but this is a imperialist system and the language is one arm, one arm of control in the global economy that we can see to reflect in the relationship… so I should to know of my classmate through one blog in English…
Well however… I liked to write in the blog, was a good experience, and o hope that in the next semester can be better, maybe with topic more exiting or current