viernes, 30 de abril de 2010

i belive that i haven´t one artist prefered or not in this moment. but I like some expressions artistic for example the performance, the corporal art, etc... maybe the art that to commit something more that only picture: the real space. it´s sound a little postmodern or not!!!!!??. but sometimes i think that this form is the only way for change anything. because in one good artistic intervention for example, the reading of the place where to happened that intervention, change for complete as to happened in one terrorist attack. in my opinion the art will be must one cultural attack for we wake up and we movilize.

in this context i like the "C.A.D.A" for example, one chilean group of art. but i don´t know if this group was one cultural attack in the 70s (because thereal terrorist attak was in goverment palace with very good artist because we enjoy his work still...) but they to made in my opinion artistic intervention very very interesting, for example "Para no morir de hambre en el arte" where (to summarize) they to give milk in the different places.

well i invite you to know more about this artistic work...

viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

The page of “BBC learning english” it´s very interesting for his information and activities. It´s one very good element for the English student because there are many possibility for to practice this language: vocabulary, pronunciation, listening. In general the page give you the possibility to familiarize with the English language.
In particular I like the section of the name “news English extra” because you can listening about the different news, in the particular case of the “separatist” where they explain to you the signification the word and the signification in his politic context, it´s very clear besides you can read the comment. Other things interesting is the “flatmates” there is animation they to be in youtube they are very famous!!!!!!! But I don´t know if this part is good or not because I didn ´t see… with attention. What do you think about them??
Well the page is good. i recommend for english student but is necesary to revise the page with more attention for one better opinion.

viernes, 16 de abril de 2010

Is true one earthquake is a shook for the society, and the very good opportunity for to put new political in a country, for that is important to be alert.
In particular my experience with the earthquake not was very traumatic, because in my hause all was good, my appartament is resist, is one old appartament. And I didn´t feel afraid, I was very calm and alert (for go out running if was necessary). But the next day with the television
all changed. i said "oh is the end of the world, the Mayas had the reason". but not. This is only one part of the power the televison and the shook politic that them to produce.
well, i don´t sure if the earthquake changed my conception of the world, but to reaffirm many ideas that i had about the politics of my country.

this is my history of the february 27, but i think that the earthquake is not finished yet.

jueves, 15 de abril de 2010

is very difficult to speak or to write in this -ciber- place. I never have one blog or something seemed, and to do it in english (one poor english) isn´t more easy.
My name is Camila Urzúa and study theory and history of art. for this semester i would like have more time or to handle of better way my time.
I think that i don´t have many expectations really... I prefer the surprises. or not?


(but I hope have good calification in my english course :) )