viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010


i know that the technology is important, but sometimes i displace of dependense that we have with these object, but i suppose that is very difficult (or impossible) we separate of our own time.

for that my favorite piece of technology i belive that is my mp3, because i haven´t other things for listening to music as mp4, i pod or one super movile phone (my movile phone only to ring and i think that -for the moment- is enough =)

i like very much listen to music, for example, when i go into de bus, or in the university. but my favorite moment for listening to music is when i walk because all the places to takeing a rhythm and the walking too, is as soundtrck it´s very funny. your thinking and feeling can change with different kind of music, even if you have a bad day you can be happy with a good song.

i have mp3 since of school, before i had personal stereo so i were listening cassettes or the fm radio, but now is easier and maybe better, because i can to put in the mp3 many music with my favorites songs and groups. Besides in these object is possible to keep other things as works, text, presentation... etc. well in general it´s one object very useful, and his mechanism is very simple so is very easy uses it... for that i like it.

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

I visited in the summer of 2008 the north of chile, I went backpacking with my sister. This travel was incredible we know places very beautiful. In this moment I don´t remember the name of the all places, I believe that the first stop was in “Punta de choro” there we know two persons bacanes: Milenco and his nephen Toto. with them to learn very much, they are very good person. With toto and milenco we continues to travel. The next stop: “playa virgen” but we can´t to arrive that beach because the jeep was buryed in the desert!!!!!!!!!! Was very exciting... well then with my sister travelling in truck, the driver truck to be very nice and worried.
We were in “Pan de azucar” and then in the place more beautiful : “San Pedro de Atacama” in that place we went moon valley, death valley, altiplanic lagoon where you can swimming but you can´t submerge for the exceed of salt!!!!! It´s incredible, besides his colors was incredible, very mark, and you can to swim in the “eyes of salt”.
In San Pedro I know one “chaman”, and one prophet… Elias prophet this was very very funny !!!!!!.
I recommend you visit this place, and if you don´t have money (as is in my case) you can backpack… it´s a beautiful form and more cheap.

viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

I´m going to talk about Diamela Eltit, I don´t know if her is a person of admire but I like his work. She is a Chilean writer, in this time her name maybe is more known because she was partner of the ex presidential candidate Jorge Arrate –but she never presented as first lady -. I think that the better of her work is when she to read his text in special places, for example in brothel. I love this because she accompany the reading with a action in the case of brothel her washed the floor of the place, is in my opinion one image very beautiful. I imagine of the prostitute – as receiver of the artistic work- very moved. I belive that Diamela is one person very committed with her work and maybe for this she is special person or admirable person, because in this time isn´t very ordinary that characteristic, or not?. Besides the poetic in her form of work is interesting… intense.

This kind of Diamela´s work was in 70s – 80s, in the actuality I don´t know if she to make similar things. Well if isn´t she, maybe we can do it… or not?