viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

I visited in the summer of 2008 the north of chile, I went backpacking with my sister. This travel was incredible we know places very beautiful. In this moment I don´t remember the name of the all places, I believe that the first stop was in “Punta de choro” there we know two persons bacanes: Milenco and his nephen Toto. with them to learn very much, they are very good person. With toto and milenco we continues to travel. The next stop: “playa virgen” but we can´t to arrive that beach because the jeep was buryed in the desert!!!!!!!!!! Was very exciting... well then with my sister travelling in truck, the driver truck to be very nice and worried.
We were in “Pan de azucar” and then in the place more beautiful : “San Pedro de Atacama” in that place we went moon valley, death valley, altiplanic lagoon where you can swimming but you can´t submerge for the exceed of salt!!!!! It´s incredible, besides his colors was incredible, very mark, and you can to swim in the “eyes of salt”.
In San Pedro I know one “chaman”, and one prophet… Elias prophet this was very very funny !!!!!!.
I recommend you visit this place, and if you don´t have money (as is in my case) you can backpack… it´s a beautiful form and more cheap.

4 comentarios:

  1. "punta de choro"
    "playa virgen"

    that sound funny!
    I'm going to visit this place!

  2. interesting know a "chaman" ... I can't imagine all the things that he told you but the questions for the million! ... some cactus in your "trip"?

  3. Camila!!! same place ,same camping, same year and month Why i didnt see you?????

    We should return !

  4. Two persosn bacanes....

    Is very fun know a chaman, is very crazy...
    And the prophet... What says?
