viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010


i know that the technology is important, but sometimes i displace of dependense that we have with these object, but i suppose that is very difficult (or impossible) we separate of our own time.

for that my favorite piece of technology i belive that is my mp3, because i haven´t other things for listening to music as mp4, i pod or one super movile phone (my movile phone only to ring and i think that -for the moment- is enough =)

i like very much listen to music, for example, when i go into de bus, or in the university. but my favorite moment for listening to music is when i walk because all the places to takeing a rhythm and the walking too, is as soundtrck it´s very funny. your thinking and feeling can change with different kind of music, even if you have a bad day you can be happy with a good song.

i have mp3 since of school, before i had personal stereo so i were listening cassettes or the fm radio, but now is easier and maybe better, because i can to put in the mp3 many music with my favorites songs and groups. Besides in these object is possible to keep other things as works, text, presentation... etc. well in general it´s one object very useful, and his mechanism is very simple so is very easy uses it... for that i like it.

3 comentarios:

  1. The Mp3 is forever! jajaja. It is truth, because it technologyc objetc is very "simple" and somebody can used it.

  2. Jajajaja
    we are not very technological!!!
    But the music into the city is very important!!!

  3. OH Mp3...and personal stereo... I never had a personal stereo, walkman, and i don't have mp3..
    I want one..and dance by the street.. jaja :D
