viernes, 4 de junio de 2010

I´m going to talk about one video where the professor Ken Robinson to question of educative system, in particular how the children when to grew they lose his creative. The thesis by Ken Robinson is that: “ the schools kill creativity”

This thesis to take as support the importance that a mayoralty of schools to give a some courses as mathematics or language to the detriment the other as for example: the art.
This idea to reproduce in almost all the educative system in the world, because is to protect for a microsystem: the economy. For that the liberal economy to operate, the education is very important. For example is one great help for the Economy the new academic dregree as m.b.a or Phd. because this is a form for to legitimize determine works: what kind of work is necessary and unnecessary in the society or even, what kind of person is to require and who isn´t.

The system is very cruel, is true as said Robinson that we forget our own body because only to think with the head… don´t we fell or not too much, so we lose the creative that we had when was children: the children are artist, but when they to grew aren´t. maybe for that the adult artist is as one children for the society…. His work isn´t dangerous because is the work of children, not is serious, so all the power or politic power of the art many times to lose strength

3 comentarios:

  1. The economic system is terrible. This system clean to the persons, HE steal our creativity and do of us a part of the machine, simples gears.

  2. It is truth.. why the people don`t see the art like some serious. That is the problem.

  3. Powerful post Camila. This model does not help us develop transversly. Only one way.
