viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

I´m Chilean…but why? This is the questions for today.
Chilean is the person that was born in Chile, but this topic is enough for be or to fell as Chilean person? Can one foreing to fell Chilean?.
In my opinion the limits are not to fall only in one civic aspect, but, in one human needs of membership. we are in one constant connection with one other, for proximity or for rejection and a this concept we call “identity”. The identity is one construct idea, is very clear that with identity wasn´t born.
The name or the number to give for the I.D, not is enough , that is bureaucracy, or that the football Chilean selection win the game, not is enough for that will be more Chilean or better Chilean. I´m not to be in favor of nationalism in general, maybe is different the concept “Chilenidad” : the place where born habits that have relation with the weather, the colors, the geography, the food, but obviously that everything is connect with the history , but the point is that the nationalism have killed people and the “chilenidad” I think that no. every day I´m listen or see or read how the people died to defend ideas that not are his own ideas.
I think that there aren´t many different really between the people, but is necessary believe that if exist , that there are people bad and other good or people that have the reason and other that to live in the mistake… to simplify the life is sometimes more easy.. .so I’m Chilean.

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