viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

There are many pictures that are significant for me, I like the photography in general because the photography steal the time, the moment in one act maybe violent: the shot.
The moment are to suspend in one rare place, one place without place. For that I like the old picture where I am with my family: my mom, my dad and my two sister because those picture are very little.
I like a image where there is one large land road and my family and me to appear walking and behind there is a mountain, I like because is a very stupid road, it don´t have exit and we did walk in there. I think that is very representative. In this picture I have as two years and almost don´t can see me, but I believe that we see happy, in that moment was summer, and we were in “Colbun”. Really I don´t can remember that moment so the photography for me is the own moment because to reconstruct one forget history or one absent history.
I don´t have this photography digitalize so I can´t put in this blog, but I think that is better because you can imagine if you want. Even is very probably that I don´t remember this photography very good and that the things had been one few different, but I don´t care because finally the memory is one construct, and the memory photography too.

2 comentarios:

  1. There is a book of Roland Barthes called "La cámara lúcida". Is very similar with your post.

  2. I want to see the photo.
    Can you bring to me?????
