viernes, 25 de junio de 2010

There is one blog that called my attention for his name, because all the times that I visit it, in my head was a song: lucy in the sky by Beatles, so while did read this blog had as a soundtrack, it´s very funny.
Lucy there are seven post with different colors. Her form for write it´s very clear, in general I think that her English is good, because is easy understand her post, all the ideas are right assemble. Well this perspective is from my baD English XD
but I like in particular her last post about Chilean culture, because I fell that is a post that she shows one opinion that compromise more things that the before post, I believe that it talk more about her personality or represent the way that her see the world. Maybe i´m wrong, but I suppose that is only one appraisal of the distance
I ask myself, why if in the first post she wrote that liked the photo why she did´t put her pictures in the blog. I will like see her work, or maybe her work is very personal, t don´t know…, but the only picture that she put I liked very much.
In general i think that is very good read the opinion of the classmates, because isn´t only one way for practice English, is one form for to know where we to be, what we think about topic in appearance dayli, but this detail say a lot.

2 comentarios:

  1. I'm pleased be agree with you, Camila.
    I'm not fan of The Beatles, but I also remembered that song when I've visited her blog xD

  2. Lucy in the sky with diamonds....
    This song is great, I think that Lucy's Blog
