viernes, 2 de julio de 2010

The experience with the blog was my first experience with something so thechnolical XD. It´s strange because is necessary that we establish virtual relation with the classmate, but I like it in one part, because is important for the English class that we practice to writing and besides is interesting to know the opinion of the classmate in different topic, I were very surprised with his appreciation sometimes. But I don´t like the routine and the blog has transformed in one routine so it´s a little tedious. Well I suppose that in the last part of the semester everything is a little tedious, or not? I´m so tired really.
I hope that my English can be better with this exercise, but I see this idea a little improbable really… but I don´t know, because there are many things to involve the English class I believe that the intention isn´t enough, because also is important the time and obviously the English education that we had in the school, is very difficult to learn English if you didn´t had a good base in the school, or in your house… I don´t know, sometimes I feel that this is very unfair…. I don´t like the English really, but this is a imperialist system and the language is one arm, one arm of control in the global economy that we can see to reflect in the relationship… so I should to know of my classmate through one blog in English…
Well however… I liked to write in the blog, was a good experience, and o hope that in the next semester can be better, maybe with topic more exiting or current

viernes, 25 de junio de 2010

There is one blog that called my attention for his name, because all the times that I visit it, in my head was a song: lucy in the sky by Beatles, so while did read this blog had as a soundtrack, it´s very funny.
Lucy there are seven post with different colors. Her form for write it´s very clear, in general I think that her English is good, because is easy understand her post, all the ideas are right assemble. Well this perspective is from my baD English XD
but I like in particular her last post about Chilean culture, because I fell that is a post that she shows one opinion that compromise more things that the before post, I believe that it talk more about her personality or represent the way that her see the world. Maybe i´m wrong, but I suppose that is only one appraisal of the distance
I ask myself, why if in the first post she wrote that liked the photo why she did´t put her pictures in the blog. I will like see her work, or maybe her work is very personal, t don´t know…, but the only picture that she put I liked very much.
In general i think that is very good read the opinion of the classmates, because isn´t only one way for practice English, is one form for to know where we to be, what we think about topic in appearance dayli, but this detail say a lot.

viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

I´m Chilean…but why? This is the questions for today.
Chilean is the person that was born in Chile, but this topic is enough for be or to fell as Chilean person? Can one foreing to fell Chilean?.
In my opinion the limits are not to fall only in one civic aspect, but, in one human needs of membership. we are in one constant connection with one other, for proximity or for rejection and a this concept we call “identity”. The identity is one construct idea, is very clear that with identity wasn´t born.
The name or the number to give for the I.D, not is enough , that is bureaucracy, or that the football Chilean selection win the game, not is enough for that will be more Chilean or better Chilean. I´m not to be in favor of nationalism in general, maybe is different the concept “Chilenidad” : the place where born habits that have relation with the weather, the colors, the geography, the food, but obviously that everything is connect with the history , but the point is that the nationalism have killed people and the “chilenidad” I think that no. every day I´m listen or see or read how the people died to defend ideas that not are his own ideas.
I think that there aren´t many different really between the people, but is necessary believe that if exist , that there are people bad and other good or people that have the reason and other that to live in the mistake… to simplify the life is sometimes more easy.. .so I’m Chilean.

viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

There are many pictures that are significant for me, I like the photography in general because the photography steal the time, the moment in one act maybe violent: the shot.
The moment are to suspend in one rare place, one place without place. For that I like the old picture where I am with my family: my mom, my dad and my two sister because those picture are very little.
I like a image where there is one large land road and my family and me to appear walking and behind there is a mountain, I like because is a very stupid road, it don´t have exit and we did walk in there. I think that is very representative. In this picture I have as two years and almost don´t can see me, but I believe that we see happy, in that moment was summer, and we were in “Colbun”. Really I don´t can remember that moment so the photography for me is the own moment because to reconstruct one forget history or one absent history.
I don´t have this photography digitalize so I can´t put in this blog, but I think that is better because you can imagine if you want. Even is very probably that I don´t remember this photography very good and that the things had been one few different, but I don´t care because finally the memory is one construct, and the memory photography too.

viernes, 4 de junio de 2010

I´m going to talk about one video where the professor Ken Robinson to question of educative system, in particular how the children when to grew they lose his creative. The thesis by Ken Robinson is that: “ the schools kill creativity”

This thesis to take as support the importance that a mayoralty of schools to give a some courses as mathematics or language to the detriment the other as for example: the art.
This idea to reproduce in almost all the educative system in the world, because is to protect for a microsystem: the economy. For that the liberal economy to operate, the education is very important. For example is one great help for the Economy the new academic dregree as m.b.a or Phd. because this is a form for to legitimize determine works: what kind of work is necessary and unnecessary in the society or even, what kind of person is to require and who isn´t.

The system is very cruel, is true as said Robinson that we forget our own body because only to think with the head… don´t we fell or not too much, so we lose the creative that we had when was children: the children are artist, but when they to grew aren´t. maybe for that the adult artist is as one children for the society…. His work isn´t dangerous because is the work of children, not is serious, so all the power or politic power of the art many times to lose strength

viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010


i know that the technology is important, but sometimes i displace of dependense that we have with these object, but i suppose that is very difficult (or impossible) we separate of our own time.

for that my favorite piece of technology i belive that is my mp3, because i haven´t other things for listening to music as mp4, i pod or one super movile phone (my movile phone only to ring and i think that -for the moment- is enough =)

i like very much listen to music, for example, when i go into de bus, or in the university. but my favorite moment for listening to music is when i walk because all the places to takeing a rhythm and the walking too, is as soundtrck it´s very funny. your thinking and feeling can change with different kind of music, even if you have a bad day you can be happy with a good song.

i have mp3 since of school, before i had personal stereo so i were listening cassettes or the fm radio, but now is easier and maybe better, because i can to put in the mp3 many music with my favorites songs and groups. Besides in these object is possible to keep other things as works, text, presentation... etc. well in general it´s one object very useful, and his mechanism is very simple so is very easy uses it... for that i like it.

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

I visited in the summer of 2008 the north of chile, I went backpacking with my sister. This travel was incredible we know places very beautiful. In this moment I don´t remember the name of the all places, I believe that the first stop was in “Punta de choro” there we know two persons bacanes: Milenco and his nephen Toto. with them to learn very much, they are very good person. With toto and milenco we continues to travel. The next stop: “playa virgen” but we can´t to arrive that beach because the jeep was buryed in the desert!!!!!!!!!! Was very exciting... well then with my sister travelling in truck, the driver truck to be very nice and worried.
We were in “Pan de azucar” and then in the place more beautiful : “San Pedro de Atacama” in that place we went moon valley, death valley, altiplanic lagoon where you can swimming but you can´t submerge for the exceed of salt!!!!! It´s incredible, besides his colors was incredible, very mark, and you can to swim in the “eyes of salt”.
In San Pedro I know one “chaman”, and one prophet… Elias prophet this was very very funny !!!!!!.
I recommend you visit this place, and if you don´t have money (as is in my case) you can backpack… it´s a beautiful form and more cheap.